
(4 रिव्यूज़)
जुमेराह पार्क, दुबई
  • यूनिट ID: U1389446
  • 3 बेड 5 बाथरूम 7,399 Sqft
  • Check Availability
प्रति महीना 1 वर्ष के अनुबंध के लिए AED29,167
विवरण मांगें
इनडोर एरिया
7,399 Sqft
न्यू. किराया: 1 वर्ष

3 बेडरूम विला Legacy पर किराये पर देने के लिए

यह प्रॉपर्टी एक7,399 Sqft विला है 3 बेडरूम और 5 बाथरूम के साथ जो उपलब्ध है किराये पर देने के लिए.आप इस विला को AED29,167प्रति महीना पर किराये पर ले सकते हैं।


प्राइवेट पूलप्राइवेट पूल प्राइवेट गार्डनप्राइवेट गार्डन बॉलकनीबॉलकनी केबल टीवीकेबल टीवी

मूल जानकारी

दिनांक सूचीबद्ध मार्च 28, 2023
अद्यतन एक वर्ष पहले
प्रॉपर्टी टाइप विला (Single Detached)
Storeys 2
स्थान जुमेराह पार्क, दुबई
Bedrooms 3
स्थान Jumeirah Lakes Towers Metro Station -3.1 Km
इनडोर एरिया 7,399 Sqft
कीमत प्रतिSqft AED4
बाहरी क्षेत्र
This is the combined size of the terrace, pool, parking area, and sala. It does not include the size of the garden.
प्लॉट का आकार N/A
न्यूनतम किराये की अवधि 1 वर्ष
से उपलब्ध है Check Availability
पालतू जानवर N/A
निर्माण रेडी टू मूव इन
व्यूज़ गार्डन व्यू
पार्किंग स्थान 3
पूल का आकार N/A
द्वारा सूचीबद्ध
प्राइवेट ओनर
बिजली की कीमत N/A
पानी की कीमत N/A
यूनिट ID U1389446

Legacy पर उपलब्ध यूनिट

बेचने के लिए 72 किराये पर देने के लिए 2
Legacy जब नए घर जोड़े जा रहे हों तो सूचित करें
सभी को देखें (2)

प्रोजेक्ट की खूबियां

साइट पर रेस्टोरेंट साइट पर रेस्टोरेंट
कम्युनिटी पूल कम्युनिटी पूल
कम्युनिटी जिम कम्युनिटी जिम
क्लबहाउस क्लबहाउस
Walking / Running Track Walking / Running Track
Outdoor Kids Zone Outdoor Kids Zone
Communal Garden Area Communal Garden Area


एक रिव्यू लिखे
स्टाफ/सुरक्षा कर्मी
बच्चों के अनुकूल
प्रॉपर्टी केअंदर और आसपास शोर
प्रॉपर्टी के पास ट्रैफिक
The Beautiful House and Perfect Location
Adela Myhre, Norway, 3 वर्ष पहले
You can get a private swimming pool in your house. I got the big one with a unique design and serene atmosphere. The house was designed in a white tone which is clean for my eyes and it has spacious space in each room. It has a pool table inside the house that I always play with my family and my friends while they come to meet up at UAE.
Best villa with great service
Lenny Lewis, New Zealand, 3 वर्ष पहले
The Legacy is the best project I ever seen. The villa is close to the river that bring a wind breeze to the room and it makes me feel fresh and calm. They provide a swimming pool in the house that makes me feel privacy and secure. Moreover, the staffs are so good with a professional performance. The location is in the city, so it is easy commute to the other location.
Luxurious villas at Jumeirah Park
Tae Sun Park, South Korea, 3 वर्ष पहले
The Jumeirah Park is one of my favorite locations in the city of Dubai. It is peaceful and quiet. However, it is still located near main road networks, allowing me to travel the entire city with convenience. The Legacy villa is one of the three subcommunities in Jumeirah Park. In terms of space, the three-bedroom villa is surprisingly spacious. With the quiet atmosphere, I really enjoy reading my books or getting my works done. This is a great place for families so far. I would give it 4.5 out of 5. Thanks!
luxurious Villa Project
Celine Williams, New Zealand, 4 वर्ष पहले
Legacy has a classic western design. There’s environment is harmonious with the building affected to livable atmosphere, Although the project’s easy to transport but I think there’s full of peaceful living and be a proper environment for family lifestyle. These are on point my needs, there’s serenity, smart functional and have luxury European architecture. I think there still have more advantages inside to look up.

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